I really want to learn how to letterpress. Really as in if I had the money and the know-how, I would go buy myself all the supplies and maybe a few instructional books. But I don't. So I won't.
Instead I will gawk at all of this beauty.
Who doesn't love flowers? in a mason jar? on letterpress, people! This one is a work of art in itself!
How cool would these be when you're having a party?!
Speaking of Parties. How about some recipe cards and dividers when you're prepping?
Yay Pears! Remember, I kind of like them. Except I don't like plays on words. but I'm over it. This is just too cute.
Yay Pears! Remember, I kind of like them. Except I don't like plays on words. but I'm over it. This is just too cute.
I would love to send a sweet card like this to some special sister or mom of mine!
So, who wants to let me come over and have letterpress lessons? This is such a beautiful art, and I love all the ways it's being used!
Kelly, I LOVE LOVE LOVE letterpress! if you learn, you must teach me everything you know. As usual. :)